When you are trying to save money, it may be easier than you think. These days we spend a lot of money on things that aren’t really necessary. But it can also be hard to give up these small luxury items that we are accustomed to having.
Here are just a few simple ways you can maintain the lifestyle you want without breaking the bank!
The cost of living is so high, why not take more time to enjoy the things we already pay for like HOME. Yes, doing nothing but enjoying your space where you live is something many take for granted. Perhaps it’s time to turn the mobile phone off and sit a read a book. Sitting, thinking, reading or even contemplating a change is good for the soul. Perhaps just grab a fresh coffee, light a candle and staring out of the window and do a little people-watching.
Girls, have your own spa night and nibbles
How much a month do you spend on cutting and colouring your hair? Do you have regular manicures and pedicures? If so, invite a few friends over for a spa night. Take turns doing each other’s hair and nails. While your nails are drying, play a game and eat appetisers. It is a fun way to enjoy an evening with friends, while still saving you a bundle of money!
Make your own coffee to take to work
You may think that £4 a day for coffee on the way to work and at lunchtime is no big deal. After all, you are working hard for your money, right? But have you considered the fact that you are spending £80 a month on one of the cheapest beverages in the world?
Brew your coffee at home. You could top-quality ingredients that you are accustomed to the right at home and still make a saving. Even if you have to invest in a modern-looking flask to start out with, it will pay for itself in a couple of days!
Do your friends like to go out to eat? Try this method instead. Cook a meal for your guests or have a potluck meal where everyone brings something to contribute. Either way, it’s far cheaper than eating out and will still be a relaxing evening.
Run Errands Together
If you find yourself doing food shopping one night and running to the shop for bits and bobs the next, then you are probably wasting a lot of petrol or diesel money. Plan your errands all in one day to save on fuel. Car share with friends and take it in turns. If you’re really organised you can even order your weekly shop online and completely illuminate fuel costs altogether!
Follow these simple tips to help you save money even when you think you are so broke you can’t save anymore!